
  1. First 70 sign-ups/subscriptions (upsell or new subscription) to Cinemaworld HD Channel from September 1 – October 31, 2020 will receive a set of Facemask and Alcogel with PHP100 worth of Cash.
  2. To avail this promo, subscribers must use the promo code “WORLDOFMOVIES” as reference of the Customer Service Agent in-charge.
  3. Acquired Cinemaworld HD Channel Subscription under this promo is automatically lock-in for 3 months.
  4. Subscribers may claim their essential kit (Facemask and Alcogel) at the nearest Satellite Office. (Provided that subscribers must adhere to the safety protocols of our offices; wearing of facemask and face shield, etc.)
  5. Monetary prize can be claimed after consolidation and validation report from our MIS Department.
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